
Animals That Lived in the Ice Age

Animals That Lived in the Ice Age

The Pleistocene Era began 1.8 million years ago and ended roughly 10,000 years ago. During that period were several Ice Ages. Many behemothic sized animals and birds that seem familiar to u.s.a. (considering they resemble modern animals) roamed the globe. They became extinct, possibly due to environmental conditions or disease, or maybe considering they were hunted by humans.

The Irish Elk (Megaloceros) is the largest deer species always, although it was not an elk, nor was information technology exclusively Irish gaelic. Megaloceros ranged across Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. The biggest specimens are vii feet alpine at the shoulder and have antlers that span 12 feet! It became known as the Irish Elk considering the Irish gaelic would find remains in peat bogs and brandish the antlers in hunting lodges as if they bagged the beast themselves. Because of its wide geographic range, it is not known when the final of these deer died out.


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The Giant Brusque-Faced Bear (Arctodus simus) had the ability to run on his two long hind legs, and may have reached a running speed of forty miles per hr! It would have been a frightening sight, every bit this conduct stood five feet tall on 4 legs, only rose to 12 feet when continuing up. Information technology lived in the western United states of america, Canada, and Alaska.


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The fossil bones of behemothic Syrian Camel was only discovered two years agone in central Syria. The 12-feet-tall at the shoulder bones are around 100,000 years onetime. Previously, scientists thought camels had merely existed in the Eye East for nearly 10,000 years.


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The Giant Ground Sloth (Megatherium americanum) weighed five tons and stood 12 feet tall on its hind legs! Native to South America, information technology ate tree leaves similar its descendants, the modern sloths, but was way too heavy to climb. There were several other species of large basis sloths that inhabited Northward America, none equally large as Megatherium. Although giant sloths died out 10,000 years ago, the last species of ground sloths may have survived until 1550 Advertizing in the Caribbean area.


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There were several species of Saber Toothed Tiger (Smilodon) in both N and South America during the Ice Age. The largest, Smilodon populator lived in Brazil and had canine teeth up to seven inches long. It probably weighed nigh 800 pounds, the size of a mod lion. Saber toothed cats are believed to have co-existed with humans for nigh a yard years, and may take been hunted to extinction.


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The Due north American King of beasts (Panthera leo atrox) was bigger than the Smilodon species, just hasn't gotten every bit much press because in that location are non equally many fossil specimens, or maybe because they had proportionally normal sized teeth for a big cat. They were yet big teeth, since the largest lions were over eight anxiety long! (Image: Dantheman9758)


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The Giant Beaver (Castoroides ohioensis) wins the prize for the largest rodent, at to the lowest degree in North America. Skeletal remains have been constitute indicating the brute was about nine anxiety long. Although they didn't have the feature flat tail of the modern beaver, they resembled their modernistic cousins otherwise.


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Giant Pleistocene species weren't limited to mammals. The Teratorn (Argentavis magnificens) was an ancestor of the Giant Condor with a wingspan of 19 to 28 anxiety! With wings folded, it stood as alpine equally a homo and could weigh over 200 pounds. Found in Argentine republic, it was the largest flying bird ever known.


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Mastodons (Mammut americanum) were not mammoths, although both were hairy, resemble elephants, and roamed North America until ten thousand years ago. Mastodons ate from trees, while mammoths grazed on the basis. Mastodons are somewhat shorter and stockier than mammoths, reaching nigh ten anxiety tall. They weren't whatsoever larger than elephants that exist today, but they were pretty big animals anyway.


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The Wooly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) belonged to the aforementioned family as modern elephants, and were well-nigh the same size. They lived in Europe, Asia, and North America ranging upward to the Chill. Woolly Mammoths in the northernmost areas had hair up to three feet long, and curly tusks up to 5 feet long. Mammoth survived longer than other Ice Age giants, with the biggest extinction occurring almost 8,000 years ago. A dwarf species survived on Wrangel Isle near Siberia until about 1700 BC. (Image: Mauricio Anton)

The dinosaurs got really large, and they died out. Pleistocene mammals grew very big, and they died out. It makes you wonder... where volition the human being obesity epidemic lead us?

Animals That Lived in the Ice Age

